
Darwinism imaginative and dangerous...

People are not aware of some of the biggest flaws in Darwinism...
Expelled (movie) only begin to point out some of the issues.

One that continues to bother me is the bad science of pure Darwinism.

But there is more. If you apply Darwinism logically to life, you find that it...

Undermines morality and devalues human life

Darwinism is the main theory taught in High Schools and Universities....
Why are we teaching bad science that has the potential to corrupt society?

People have suggested that an easy solution is not necessarily to eliminate Darwinism
But just change the way it is taught....
While others suggest that it is not the way it is taught, but the real problem is that Darwinism is wrong and it is the ONLY thing being taught in schools today...why not allow for free speech and so all sides not just one way Darwinism.