Christian Isolation
Unfortunately, this (along with many other statistics) shows that Christians in America lack the passion to be godly and love God as they should.
We have lost sight of proper priorities in life. God calls us to "love the Lord your God with all of our Heart, soul, and mind." (mt. 22:37)
My personal problem is isolation... I am calling it a problem not a barrier, because it is my own fault. Labeling it a barrier, to me seems like pushing the blame on uncontrolables. I know better than that, because I know that I can do something in my life to address this problem.
I am glad and humbled that McRaney straight-forwardly calls me out by saying that Isolation is my selfishness. I am selfish and enjoy the fellowship of other believers. There is nothing wrong with that in of itself, but when we are blocking our own movement from growth it is a problem. We should spend some of this "fellowship" time together sharing the Gospel together, through servant evangelism, door-to-door evangelism, inviting non-Christians to join us in our fellowship at home or church...so that they see the love of Christ with us.
When I shelter myself from the world, I am disconnected. Some of the best experiences I have ever had with other Christians and with God have been the times of brokenness and challenge. Times when I had a passion to reach the lost and I was being challenged daily to share my faith with other Christians.
Accountability in evangelism is one the best tools to avoid isolation. Two or three guys or gals should meet together regularly not only for Bible study but also for sharing the Gospel. Talk about and pray for the oppurtunities in real life, but also make oppurtunities intentionally whether you are going door-to-door or if you simply just have a get-together at your home and invite your lost friends there.
We need a passion for God and a passion to be godly. Amen.

Keep your eyes open for God at work

Scary statistics
Some upsetting statistics from my Seminary Evangelism class. I do not recall the exact source but I believe these numbers are from Barna Research Group and the Southern Baptist Convention :
USA total population increased 11% in last ten years; church membership declined 9.5%
Church attendance is declining 10% over the past 7 years
Evangelical Church failed to gain additional 2% of population in the past 50 years.
No county in America has a greater percentage of churched people since a decade ago.
Half of all churches in America last year did not add one new member via conversion.
Churches are closing their doors....
1900 -27 churches for every 10,000
1950- 17 to 10,000
2004- 11 for every 10,000
We lose 72 churches per week or 10.27 per day
Gain 24 churches a week, 3.4 a day
Net loss of 48 week and 6.85/ day
USA is the Largest post-Christian nation.
It is the 3rd largest unchurched nation.
USA Lead world in all crime categories
North America is only continent where Christianity is not growing, in fact other Countries have sent Christian missionaries to us, when we once sent Christian missionaries to them!
13th (some ranked us even as high as 4th) highest receptor of missions nation
Fastest growing affiliation is “not religious”
(Canada + US) is only 3 t o5% truly evangelical
Bill Easum-estimates that in American churches 60% median age of 60 or higher