Why can't we follow WHERE the EVIDENCE leads????
Some people loved the movie, some hated it. Sure it was propaganda, but it was fighting for something worth fighting for. It angers me how close-minded people are. The reaction from "big science" has not been good since the release of Expelled. Many are trying to sue Expelled, some are just firing away their propaganda agianst the movie and others are not even willing to see the movie or talk about the REAL ISSUES in a realistic, justly manner.
I do understand why some would want to sue "expelled" because of the whole "Crossroads" situation and some of the content being "out of context" but those are NOT the REAL issues.
The REAL action needs to be happening in institutions. Institutions that stress and say they view academic freedom need to step up to the plate and investigate the issue, they need to decide how "free" they really are. they need to open up to FACTS instead of being dead to the TRUTH and letting big science have their way.
I was and still am anger about closed minds in institutions.
There is a sick cycle happening big science leaders are pushing out any ideas that go agianst what THEY believe. Ironic? How free is that? People should be able to research and discuss ALL aspects and theories and not be limited by whoever is in the dictating the leadership positions of the institutions. the whole point of learning is to see the FACTS and make a decision for yourself, not being forced into ONE belief system!
Scientists are fatally proud of their reliance on peer-review to ensure that only good science gets funded and published. Yet it has been shown that peer review does not increase the quality of studies11,12 and because the anonymous reviewers generally represent established ideas it is an effective way to suppress innovation 13,14 .
Censorship is most effective when the censor’s hand is invisible. Modern science has developed an effective hierarchy for disseminating ‘acceptable’ information and, perhaps more importantly, for excluding work that threatens mainstream scientists and the governments and industries that fund them. Luckily, there are still publications and websites outside this web of self-censorship. You should take advantage of this information, use it to formulate your own opinions, and discuss them with friends, family and colleagues. Small donations of your time and money can make a tremendous difference to the world’s excluded scientists.
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