I live efficient with structure. I like some structure. i like to be productive and efficient.
I have lived very free and spontaneous the past few months but now I am ready to come back to structure. I miss it.
Even as a college student, I lived a life of habit. I had a calendar and worked for so many hours, class so many hours, and extra circular activities, as well as organization, and then I FOUND time during my free time for anything else that was IMPORTANT.
When I do not have a lot of structure in my life, or I have too much free time I do not need to find time, I need to waste it. And I have wasted a lot of time recently. I have not really done the things that are important to me. I just do "whatever." Maybe I am not very well-discipled when given a lot of freedom. But I assure you when I am under a time line, deadline, pressure... I make time for what is important. I am well-discipled when I am given structure.
Does anyone else feel the same way?