Being religious is not what gets us into Heaven.
Being "good" or "spiritual" are never going to be good enough.
In order to be saved you MUST be born again according to John. 3 verse 7. ( Especially in its full context, the entire chapter!)
In fact being religious is not what we are called to be.
The "good" will not outweigh the "bad"...because there will not be a "good and bad" balance beam in Heaven. Even if there was such a balance beam in Heaven the ONLY person who could reach God's standard would be Jesus. (Rom. 6:23, Romans 3:23) So if we were judged on being good or bad, heaven would be only be occupied by Jesus and God (and the Holy Spirit) but all in one - of you know what I mean.
Fortunately, Heaven is not for just Jesus and God has allowed ANYONE to call on the name of the Lord to be saved! (Rom. 10:9, 10, Rom. 8:8)
So Heaven is not for religious people. Heaven is for those who call on the Lord.
Religious people are the ones who called on Jesus to be Crucified. Religious people where opposed to Jesus, the Pharisees. Religious people have started wars.
We are not seeking to be religious. We are not called to be religious. Being Religious does not save.
But Chrsit does. And we are to seek Christ in a relationship, not a religion.