Each of us have our own personality, that God has given us.
In Acts 2: 22-41, we see a Confrontational approach by Peter.
In Acts 17:15-34, we see an Intellectual approach by Paul.
In Luke 5:27-29, we see a relational approach by Matthew.
Acts 9 shows us Dorca's servant approach.
John 9 - We hear of a blind man's testimony.
This is just a few of the many examples in the Bible. You can probably think of more from the Bible or in your own life. I know of a man, whose approach is love. In all of his actions, there is a feeling of love behind his actions. It is hard to explain. It is the Holy Spirit.
Other people have a very Intentional approach, they go out of their way to share the Good news of the Gospel to everyone they know, somehow, someway - whenever the Holy Spirit allows.

Gen Y Christians are exciting to watch. They have several ways of engaging the culture, but yet still remaining true th the Gospel and "glorify God in whatever they do." Gen Y engages the culture and relates to the lost on their turf. They reach out creatively and spread God's Word this way.
Another awesome thing about Gen Y Christians is that they engage not only to saving souls (which is important to them) but also in literally changing the world. Literally. Gen Y Christians in America are beginning to realize that here in America we have it well. We have it all. They are sharing not only the Good News of the Gospel, but sharing food, water, education, money, and resources to the people in less fortunate situations around the world. Today we as Christians should be interested in both of these things. God has given us responsibility and good fortunes. We are commanded to share and to glorify Him more throughout the earth. This is a chance to share His love love and it is our responsibility to share our surplus. Showing love and sharing in our riches leads to us also sharing our faith in the first place.
** Most books posted on this blog, I have read, but I have not read any of Bill Hybele's book (Holy Discontent and/or Being a Contagious Christian) but now I want to read them, since this post is based on this readings apparently. :)