Yeah, we all wish we were perfect. Although it is impossible.
We try to make everything right. If only everyone was happy and everything in my life were in order. There would be no problems and everyone would be happy. ...yeah. That is a dream.
why we are not perfect
Sin. We are born into a sinful world as a sinful man. No one is exempt. Except for this one guy...
How Jesus was perfect
Jesus was perfect because he never sinned. You ask, "but he was born unto man, therefore a 'sinner'...right?" No. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of a virgin. He was not born of man, but of God. Was he a fully man? Yes. Fully God? Yes.
Although Jesus was fully God; he was also fully man and faced human temptation.
This is Mind-blowing!
In other words He lived perfect life but as a man he had to rely on God's help and dependence to live perfect. He wasn't just perfect because he was God but because he always let the Spirit control His life. But also because he was God. All human beings will inevitably fail at attempting to always be controlled by the Spirit.
What it means to be a Christian and pursuing perfection
Sanctification - process of us becoming more like Jesus Christ. Our life is a process. We are seeking completion, perfection, dependence on God. Our goal is to be more like Jesus. We will not achieve perfection on this earth because of our sin nature but in Heaven we want to hear God say "you have done well and and faithful servant."

Challenge to be perfect
mat 5:48, we can't do it without His help
**Disclaimer- not sure that I agree completely with this image about "morphing" and all but the idea that letting the Holy Spirit work through us.