In talk radio, they struggle sometime to find important or interesting things to talk some of the time is down time or boring meaningless crap....
When I was listening, it was one of those times, the topic...
Television and culture
The thesis was that Americans have WAY TOO many choices of TV channels. Gen Y has acess to hundreds of specialized channels to feed their own personal interests. Previos generations had considerably less choice in TV options. My grandparents only had 6 channels on their analog TV before they got Direct TV.
My parents talk about the days of "black and white TV," as if it were yesterday and how the first color channel was SO exciting! Now they have Time Warner Cable and view all thier favorite channels over extremely colorful HDMI.
Getting back to the talk radio...the host of the show was saying that TV ratings channel-wide have been going down on a whole! The more channels wew have the lowwer the ratings drop, according to his theroy.
Okay, so logically speaking, this seems to make some sense. If all other things stayed the same and the only change occuring was addition of more channels, then it would be natural for ratings on all channels as a whole to drop a little. The rating would divde with the other newwer channels and naturally the more poular channels would remain with higher ratings.
The weird thing is that NOT ALL things are remaining the same....Today there are more people watching TV than at any other time. The number of viewers as a whole is going UP. So the host of the radio show was trying to figure this all out. He would assume that ALL ratings as a whole should be going up too! But they are not....
Anyways that is pretty much meaningless, random, and fun to think about...thanks for wasting your time on my blog. :)
I think that part fo the deal is that you can watch shows on the internet for free. That is what I do and this does not effect TV ratings.