

I have been noticing that I get a lot of comments from many in opposition of the things I post about. I am okay with this.

I will say that I am not a real expert on most of the things I post about. I do not claim to be an expert. This blog is very informal and a fun way for me to express my opinions and learn more about topics. I do research and learning for this blog. I do not intend to contribute to science or anything like that.

I do intended to search for truth. And in my quest I post things that I am learning and thinking about along the way towards my quest for truth.

With that said, I know where Ultimate truth comes from, God and His Word - the Bible.
I am certain that science in nature, in biology, and in reality reflects God and his truth. I am not contributing to truth in this blog. I am expressing what I have found to be true.

When all is said and done, and my life is over, I know that some of the things I have posted about will be pointless. I know that I will not have gotten everything correct/right.
But I know that in the end, I will find truth. And others who have read my blog will have been exposed to truth. I will get a lot of things right.

I am not anti-evolution in general. And I have reasons for believing what I do believe. I think that a theistic form of evolution is feasible. Becuase of the Bible is not as clear as some would like it to be and therefore a theistic form of evolution is somewhat feasible.

But I do not think that a theistic form of evolution is totally correct nor do I believe that it is the most natural reading of the Bible.

I will continue posting on topics that I am not an expert on. I will continue to search for truth and I do not mind the opposition from others. I will be basing my findings on truth, the Bible and other resources. I am a simple blogger not trying to contribute to science, but merely expose truth, which already exists.

All I ask is that if you coming with opposition, I would like to see some evidence instead of a mere smear anti-God comment. Thank you.