So as many of you know I had my graduation commencment ceremony and party this weekend. All of that was great and a huge blessing to see family and friends and be honored with a degree.
Now I am even more recently excited (with adrenaline) because of two sporting events that just took place today:
1. My favorite NASCAR driver FINALLY won a race this season! After almost running out of gas, Dale Earnhardt Junior won a race under caution. His last pit stop was on lap 148- Ridiculous! Finally he does run out of gas AFTER the race! lol. Unofficially Dale is third in points only, 84 points behind Kyle (cough cough) Bush...
2. My favorite golfer, despite several set backs, clinched a play-off hole for the US Open, which will be played tomorrow.
So we still have two more exciting sporting events left:
1. the playoff hole tomorrow. Tiger is 13-0 one tourneys where he is leading after the third round, this is one of those tournaments, will Rocco Mediate break Tiger's streak? Tiger is NOT playing at full capacity - did you see how slow he was today, injured, and all.
2.Tonight: Lakers v. Celtics for NBA championship. (Honestly, I am not a big fan or either team) but it is for the championship. It is game 5 of 7, Celtic need to win one of three...Lakers have to win ALL three.

I am also excited about one other unmentioned thing. :)