This is cool!:
Anyone who has read my blog knows that I read Parchment and Pen theology blog a lot, in fact, my blog would be significantly different (maybe even non-existent) without his blog (and influence of such!) So thanks Michael!
Today I am examining some cool drawings/graphs from post " Will the Real Emerger Please Stand Up?"
The post is real long and has a lot really good detail and insight. I highly recommend you go to his sight read it and even download the PDF as a resources for future teaching/preaching and or reflecting.
These graphs are only a very small portion of the entire post:

Here is the idea! This is the template. To differentiate between Emerging, Emergent, Evangelical, and Fundamental - Michael charted dotes that represent how each group sees theological issues. It does not have to do with where they land theologically. It has more to do with how much focus each group places on certain issues.

For example, the perspective or angle of a fundamentalist is " “If it is in the Bible, it is absolutely essential, and we are certain that we are right!”
Very dry cut, black-and-white, and clear.
They spend their time on essential issues, yes...but they also make EVERYTHING (in the Bible) an essential.

And here, we see that Evangelicals have a place for everything. This is more balanced. We spend a lot of time deciding what is essential what is not essential. What is important and fun to talk about but is not essential, etc.

We see here, emerging, begins to drift away completely from the center.

And here you can even begin to see a difference between Emerging and Emergent camps!